Polio eradication is all about the wellbeing of children, not just mine, not just yours, but all our children
I always wanted to pursue a career whereby I can contribute to the wellbeing of people. I chose to become a health worker and that gives me deep satisfaction.
During the polio campaign I wake up early so that I can reach the health centre on time. Once there, I mark my attendance and attend the early morning planning meeting. Then I set out to the field with my vaccine box, area map, tally sheets and awareness raising material.
My job is to look for unvaccinated children, find out why thy have been missed out and make sure they are vaccinated, even if they are on the move.
If we all continue to undertake our responsibilities with the same level of commitment, the distance to reaching the goal of polio eradication will be much shorter.
My family has been highly supportive as they realize the importance of my work. When I return home, I find my daughter and husband waiting keenly for me. They love to hear about my work with people and children.
Sahar Afshan
Polio Vaccinator
D G Khan, Punjab Province