I want to continuethe hard work until the menace is rooted out from Pakistan completely
I have received many distinctions in my new job as a vaccinator. At a training workshop a few months back I received an award in recognition of my extraordinary performance during the course.
The last and toughest hurdle to polio eradication in Pakistan is those children who remain unvaccinated. If one child has been missed out on vaccination for any reason, the whole effort has taken one step away from the goal.
As soon they have been identified, children should be vaccinated immediately and mapped out for the following vaccination rounds.
I want everyone in my country to appreciate the efforts of polio vaccinators and join the cause as responsible citizens.
This commitment and support at the community level gives health workers more confidence and assurance of the community’s backstopping and brings in much better and long-lasting results.
Naghma Parveen
Polio Vaccinator
D G Khan, Punjab Province