Beyond a job, saving young children from polio has become my passion.
Our trained health workers work with the parents, local elders and anyone who can influence the community. We also look for households where a child birth is expected to ensure they are vaccinated and given the best start in life.
I am very familiar with my community. I know which child is vaccinated and how many children are yet to be vaccinated. We keep a record of all such children so that not a single child or a guest child, is missed during any vaccination campaign.
Although we could make headway in reaching out to missed children, the daunting task of eradication is not yet accomplished. Even if the poliovirus persists in one district only, eradication cannot be achieved. As long as there's still a proven case or virus detection out there, every child remains at risk.
We can't let up on our vigilance and efforts until every district is polio-free.